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Dirt is Moving at Homer Smiles

Leeds City Schools and many community members celebrated the beginning of the Additions and Renovations to Homer Smiles Stadium with a Groundbreaking Ceremony on January 14, 2025. Lathan Architects is proud to be part of this project and the improvements for the school system.

The ceremony began with a few words from Leeds City Schools Superintendent, John Moore. Moore says in 15 years; the community has invested 60 million dollars in school facilities. That money has gone towards 3 brand new schools, renovations at Leeds Elementary, a new central office... and Moore says now it is time to update our athletic facilities. He also said this would not be possible without the help from the Leeds City School Board, the city of Leeds, the Leeds Water Works, State Representative Susan Dubose, State Senator Dan Roberts, Jefferson County Commissioners Joe Knight & Mike Bolin, and many others. Dubose and Roberts both shared a few words about how excited they are about the upgrade to facilities for the entire community.


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